Apr 22, 2012

Farmer's market in Austin / ファーマーズマーケット

I went to Farmer's market this morning to buy some veggies and fruits.


When I saw these daikons at the booth, I had to buy them because they looked too cute to me. I hope they taste good too. I want to put them in my miso soup.


I bought these organic veggies and strawberries for $10.


Apr 18, 2012

Upper Crust Bakery / アッパークラストベーカリー

IMG_4113 by fumika yamamoto
IMG_4113, a photo by fumika yamamoto on Flickr.

I have always loved Upper Crust Bakery since I was 19. It is my favorite bakery in Austin. Their sweets, bread and lunch sandwiches are delicious.


I am into their half chicken salad sandwich and cup of soup lunch menu lately.


I ordered their tortilla soup for the first time today. It was bit spicy. I liked how it got a lot of veggies in it.


Upper Crust Bakery's website!


Apr 16, 2012

West Texas / 西テキサス

I visited West Texas with Elise again. I love the landscape in West Texas. It is huge and surreal. I got to visit Elise's family castle this time. It was very windy on top of the castle!


Apr 14, 2012

Ayaka & Franz / あやかとフロンズ

ayaka & franz by fumika yamamoto
ayaka & franz, a photo by fumika yamamoto on Flickr.

Ayaka came to my place to give me her baby clothe and delicious cute cupcakes. I was able to meet her less than 2 months old son finally. He was tiny, but he got full of energy!


There was not a lot of time to talk since I had to leave for West Texas in a few hours...


Cupcakes were from Central Market<3


Apr 11, 2012

The Dog and Duck Pub with Rachel/ レイチェルと一緒にThe Dog and Duck Pubでお昼

rachel and me by fumika yamamoto
rachel and me, a photo by fumika yamamoto on Flickr.

I had lunch with Rachel. We went to the Dog and Duck Pub near Women&Their Work.

レイチェルと彼女の仕事先の近くのパブ、The Dog and Duck Pubでお昼。

Rachel recommended me to get some BLT sandwich and it was huge!


I feel like I have been eating a lot of meat after i got pregnant.


Apr 9, 2012

Monitoring my blood sugar / 血糖値測定

IMG_4086 by fumika yamamoto
IMG_4086, a photo by fumika yamamoto on Flickr.

When I lived in Chicago, I was told that I developed gestational diabetes from my doctor after taking 3 hours sugar test.


I saw a doctor in Austin a few days ago and she told me how to monitor my blood sugar at home when I told her that I bought blood sugar testing kit through Amazon.


I had to poke my finger tips about 10 times yesterday because I was not doing it right, but finally I was able to do it right as I practiced more.


I have to monitor my blood sugar after I wake up without eating any food, then monitor 2 hours post each meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner).


Fasting: my blood sugar level should be less than 92mg/dL
2 hours post meal: my blood sugar level should be less than 120mg/dL


My blood sugar results from yesterday were all fine. I read how stress can actually make my blood sugar to go up. Living in Chicago was stressful for me, so maybe this is why I became gestational diabetes.


This morning's blood sugar results have been good as well.


I became depressed about not being able to eat any sweet for a while. Now I can finally eat a piece of cakes without worrying about it too much.


Apr 8, 2012

Brunch at La Condesa / La Condesaでブランチ

Huevos Condesa by fumika yamamoto
Huevos Condesa, a photo by fumika yamamoto on Flickr.

I wanted to eat some eggs today; I had brunch at La Condesa first time. It was nice to sit outside and enjoy the food and Austin weather.

無性に卵が今日は食べたくなった。大好きなLa Condesaで初めてのブランチ。外のテラスに座って食べたらとっても気持ちよかった。

I ordered some decaf coffee and Huevos Condesa. I liked how they gave me a pot and it was French press coffee. Their coffee was delicious. I got Huevos Condesa because my waiter recommended to me. It was bit spicy, but still I liked it.

ディカフェのコーヒーとHuevos Condesaをオーダー。嬉しい事にコーヒーはフレンチプレスでポットごとテーブルに来た。Huevos Condesaはちょっと辛かったけど美味しかったから完食。

I cannot wait to go back there again!

またLa Condesaに行くのが楽しみ♥

Apr 5, 2012

Chez Nous

Chez Nous is one of my favorite restaurants in Austin, Texas. A French guy took me to the restaurant first time over 10 years ago. I remember how much liking their food when he took me there.

10年くらい前にフランス人の男友達に連れて行ってもらったフレンチビストロのChez Nousで久々にランチ。ここの料理、美味しいなぁと初めてChez Nousで食べた時に感動した事は今でも覚えている。

This is the place that I would actually order a fish dish in Texas without thinking too much.


I ordered a rainbow trout fillet sauteed with butter, parsley and lemon juice today.
I liked it a lot!


This is the link to Chez Nous

Chez Nousのサイトです。

Apr 1, 2012

Tonkatsu cooking lesson in Texas! / テキサスでのとんかつレッスン

I had my first cooking lesson in Texas this morning. It was exciting. I visited Kim's place to teach her how to make some spinach and onion miso soup, tonkatsu and tamagoyaki (sweetened egg).


I was impressed by how efficient and fast Kim was in her kitchen.


We used peanut oil for frying, so Tonkatsu came out crispy and golden.


I think I put too much sake in my tamagoyaki (sweetened egg), but sake in tamagoyaki tasted good.

食べたら酔っぱらうのではと思ったけど大丈夫でした 笑