Nov 29, 2012

Tous Les Jours

IMG_4714 by fumika yamamoto
IMG_4714, a photo by fumika yamamoto on Flickr.

Tous Les Jours is a Korean bakery that has started in the U.S. I went WOW when I found Tous Les Jours on North Lamar. It made me to realize that Austin has changed so much!

ベーカリーの名前はTous Les Joursとフランス語だけど何も知らずにたまたまあったので行ってみたベーカリーは韓国のベーカリーだった。オースチンでこんなベーカリーを見つける事はまずないのでびっくり。

I did not know anything about it, so I was surprised as soon as I walked in because it was like a bakery in Japan.


I liked how they had a decent size eating/drinking area.


I ordered their sweet bean buns, however I was little disappointed because I had a better one before in Tokyo. But their other Korean baked goods were good.

あんぱんを買ってみたけどちょっとがっかり。日本で食べたあんぱんの方が美味しかったので••• 食べた事のない韓国の菓子パンは美味しかった♥

Nov 27, 2012

AIN Japanese cooking lesson / AINでのお料理教室

IMG_4686 by fumika yamamoto
IMG_4686, a photo by fumika yamamoto on Flickr.

I had a chance to teach a Japanese cooking lesson for Austin Intercultural Network.

オースチン インターカルチャー ネットワークという団体で日本食のクッキングレッスンをやってきた。

We cooked some sweet potato miso soup, tonkatsu and mitarashi dango.


Not only I got to teach them how to cook some Japanese dishes, but also I got to talk about Japanese culture.


The class was fun; I hope to have another class soon!


Nov 6, 2012

5 month-old / 五ヶ月

Pink cloth diaper! by fumika yamamoto
Pink cloth diaper!, a photo by fumika yamamoto on Flickr.

Mia is 5 month-old.


I learned using disposable diapers can create so much trash after Mia was born.


She is a good eater. She can use 10 diapers a day.


I was able to figured things out about cloth diapers with my friends' help, and I started using them from today finally!


I got 12 bumGenius 4.0 as a starter.

買ったのはbumGenius 4.0。直訳するとお尻の天才(笑)。

I got snaps instead of velcro to avoid them getting sticked together when I wash them in a washing machine.


I hope they work out well.
